On 15 Gen, 09:02, BBunny <fran...@cherman.com> wrote:
> The "Misc" menu in previous versions of BBEdit contained an "index"
> feature, which generated a hierarchical index—in other words, a sitemap
> —of a Web site, with live links to the pages. With version 9.6, that
> feature has been eliminated. Can anyone suggest a script or other easy
> way of replacing that function? Thanks much.

"The "Misc" menu on the Markup menu, and the commands on it, have
outlived their usefulness and been removed."
I can't just understand their debatable usefulness. I think Index
Document, Index Folder and Site were rather useful instead.
Maybe you know, now there is a Folder Listing (Edit -> Insert ->
Folder Listing). But then you have to add links with a careful search
and replace.

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