At 07:41 -0600 on 01/26/2011, Doug Pinkerton wrote about Re: Grep question: Replacing data that do not match criteri:

 >> On Jan 26, 2011, at 06:31, Doug Pinkerton wrote:
>> I need to extract email addresses from a file. Fortunately, the email addresses are in angle brackets <>. I have no problem matching that pattern. But I need to match everything BUT that pattern and replace with nothing, so that only the email addresses remain. How do I perform a DOES NOT EQUAL search?

Thanks, Chris. Unfortunately, the email addresses are not on lines by themselves, so "Process lines containing..." copies all of the data on the line. The result is simply a copy of the original document. Strictly speaking, although I view it with soft wrap, it's all one line, since there are no returns in this document. Any other suggestions?

Why not find >...< and replace it with a new line? That will leave you with the text up to the first address, the addresses (each on a line), and the text after the last address (on its own line). You can then manually remove the two text blocks and you're done.

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