stetner wrote:

I hope I am not the only one who misses the window arranging function?

While I saw other people agree with this, I'm going to throw in a little bit of dissent: the window arranging function in BBEdit never worked with project windows, which made it entirely useless for anyone who, well, worked with projects. If Bare Bones brought it back and had it actually work on *all* windows, I'd love it, but in practice I ended up sticking with the third-party SizeUp utility I was already working with. (And now that the document drawer is gone, it makes it even easier, although I'd like to have the "open files" box on the top of the project file list in the sidebar rather than the bottom.)

Also, as someone else mentioned, the morphing prefs pane is gross.

Yeah, that I don't really like, either. I've seen other programs do that, but I thought they looked silly, too. (I also think some of the superfluous animations in windows in BBEdit 10 are, well, superfluous.)

Watts Martin <>

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