On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 7:40 AM, John Delacour <johndelac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have no such script.  If I did, I guess it would look something like this:

Huh. I know I didn't put mine there. Anyway, it looks like this:

        Demonstration of how to change the default web site with AppleScript.
        The sites must be uniquely named for this script to work. You can use
        the site's unique ID property to work around this limitation, but the
        script does not demonstrate how.

tell application "BBEdit"
        set theSiteNames to name of every web site
        set theDefaultSite to {name of default web site}
        set theChosenSite to choose from list theSiteNames default items
{theDefaultSite} without multiple selections allowed and empty
selection allowed
        if theChosenSite is not false then
                set theChosenSite to item 1 of theChosenSite
                set default web site to web site theChosenSite
        end if
end tell

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