On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 12:04:32PM -0600, Doug McNutt wrote:
> Just in case anyone at Bare Bones cares:
> While you're making tab width adjustable on a per file basis it would
> really be great if you could arrange for tab stops as in a real
> typewriter.  I am continually frustrated with columnar data that
> demands a wide column on the left side - full names for example -
> followed by a couple of small width columns like date and $. Multiple
> tab characters cannot be used because the final destination of the
> file won't accept them.
> The alternative is a full fledged spreadsheet but I really don't need
> that just to look at, yeah and modify, the data.

Sounds as if you are asking to further blur the difference between a
text editor and a word processor.

Am not sure if Nisus still behaves the way it originally did, but it was
a word processor that left the data fork as pure text while putting all
formatting metadata in the resource fork. Originators of QUED/M, which
for me was replaced by BBEdit.

Looks like QUED/M is gone: http://www.nisus.com/

David Kelly N4HHE, dke...@hiwaay.net
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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