Good evening,

On 29/07/11 at 4:25 PM +1000, Alex Satrapa <> wrote:

x-counterpart with relative paths works fine for me:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
#-*- x-counterpart: ../t/script_foo.t -*-

Thanks for confirming that it *should* work.

On 29/07/11 at 10:11 AM -0400, Steve Kalkwarf <> wrote:

I haven't stepped through the code to verify this, but my suspicion is the same-named files are not being handled correctly.

Thanks for the info, but that's not the problem, it was a PEBKAC.

On 29/07/11 at 12:35 PM -0400, Robert A. Rosenberg <> wrote:

A quick test to check this theory is to change the name in ResultSets (and the x-counterpoint command) to and see if it now works. If it does, you have found the error in the BBEdit support code. If it still does not work, you have eliminated this possible source of the failure to work.

A good suggestion, and it got me thinking (testing) in a different way which revealed the problem.

I was looking at the project *collections* which I was seeing as *folders*. The project collections did not match the folder names. Once I changed x-counterpart to use the correct folder names (rather than collection names) then all works as expected.

Thanks Alex, Steve and Robert. All good now.


   Ꮚ Charlie Garrison ♊ <>

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