I work primarily with BBEdit on Poser format .pz3 text files with a
custom codeless language module for syntax colouring I've cobbled
together myself. Finding and replacing multiple blocks of text bounded
by definable search strings that may be separated by many hundreds, if
not thousands of arbitrary lines has never been possible (stack
overflows, except when intervening lines < ~100) within TextWrangler
or BBEdit. The files may be many hundreds of MB in size. My only
workaround was to define a search expression for the start block and
another for the end block then alternate the searches, toggling the
extend selection checkbox in the modal find dialog. With key bindings
for all the components of this replacement strategy, excluding the
alternating search expressions, this process was reasonably efficient.

Since BBEdit 10 and the removal (not just deprecation) of the modal
find dialog, this process is entirely impossible, unless somebody can
show me where the Extend Selection option for Finding can be found or
enabled again.

Not Happy, Jan.

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