Hi all

I recently moved my system to a new (larger) disk on the same machine, PPC, G4, OS 10.4.11, BBedit9.3.1 BBedit works fine with everything (search and replace strings, sftp to off-site etc.), except I cannot install the command line tools - bbedit, bbdif and bbfind with BBedit>Install Command line Tools>Install The system asks for my username and password twice which I supply, the install box closes without any message, but there is no bbedit etc. in /usr/bin - or anywhere else according to find / -name bbedit -print
I get no error messages.

The username and password are the ones I use to su to root, and my account has administrator privileges. I can see nothing relevant in com.barebones.bbedit.plist

If I put in a wrong password, the system tells it is incorrect and asks me to try again.

If I chmod 777 /usr/bin instead of rwx r_x r_x that doesn't help

command line tools worked fine on the smaller disk (now removed)

Can anyone help?


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