On Apr 19, 2012, at 17:42 , Diego wrote:

> I didn't create any CSS Rules. I'm not sure how I would do that
> either. What I was seeing is just the BBEdit default behaviour as far
> as what happens with braces when I'm entering CSS.
> But, as you suggest, running Markup->CSS->Format places the braces
> where I want them. Although, doing a format for evert bit of CSS I
> type is not something I want to do.

What you're looking for is "smart" indenting -- i.e., syntax-aware, 
context-sensitive, where an editor knows that a closing brace should be 
de-indented in some languages, that a line after a line that ends with a colon 
should be indented in Python, etc. Basically, BBEdit doesn't do that.

This seems to be a kind of polarizing topic -- some people get very adamant 
that editors "shouldn't" do that, just like they "shouldn't" automatically 
close parentheses or braces because that's just a crutch for lazy programmers. 
Personally I think that's a rather bogus argument; the same logic suggests that 
BBEdit's formatting palettes and, for that matter, syntax highlighting are also 
crutches, right?

At any rate, you could try installing the "Editor Actions for BBEdit" package 
and assigning a key like Control-Return to Smart New Line, or just install 
Kendall Conrad's original Smart New Line script which the one in Editor Actions 
is a slight fork of.


Both of these essentially try to make a smart-indenting alternate when you need 
it. So if you're on a line like this:

p.style {

And you typed Control-Return (or whatever invoked the smart new line script), 
you'd get

p.style {

With the pipe indicating where the cursor would be.

Kendall's script does a couple things my Editor Actions package doesn't and 
vice-versa, I think, but they're pretty similar, with one distinction that 
turned out to be very important to me: my version respects the expand tabs 

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