I have been reading the BBEdit User Manual and I am stuck.My goal is to 
have the output of my GNU Makefile to become a clickable results browser. I 
have tested the Makefile and it works fine. I open the Applescript editor 
and then open the BBEdit dictionary. Then I start writing a script. I get 
this far:


*tell* *application* "BBEdit"

*run unix script* "build_myapp.sh"

*end* *tell*

I created build_myapp.sh and put it on my PATH. It verified that it 
properly invokes GNU make with the command line parameters I want. 

I compile the script and drop in the BBEdit scripts folder. It shows up in 
the Scripts menu. I try to run it and I get this error message:

BBEdit got an error: An error of type 13304 has occurred." number 13304

So the above error message is *problem 1*. 

*Problem 2* is how do I re-direct the output to a results browser? I'd like 
the compiler errors to show up so that I can click on them.

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