On 12/12/2012 15:07, Patrick Woolsey wrote:

For the record, BBEdit 10.5 darkens the icons of modified files in the file list and file nav popup instead of displaying an "unsaved" dot as prior versions did. (We made this change as part of the process of adding Retina support, and it also follows current Mac UI convention.)
If you were to darken the icon in the title bar it might be ever so slightly noticeable. The more I see of “current Mac UI conventions” the more I am tempted to break a habit of 38 years and switch to Linux. Microsoft seems to be the only developer that pays any heed to the time-honoured Apple HIG in certain respects. In many apps you can’t even do ⌘S for save or ⌘D for don’t save, let alone ⌘C for cancel. Instead, after typing ⌘W, rather than move one finger one or two places, you need to reach for the esc key or the return key. If that’s what the junior wizards at Apple consider ergonomic they deserve to work for London Transport. As for the new-fangled “sheets” that ask you to save something that you can’t even see for the damn sheet in the way, what genius thought up that great idea?! And what about scriptable apps? In TextEdit you can’t even get the selection using Apple Events or in Mail the properties of the message in the front window. In Preview you can’t to anything at all. I could give you a list as long as my arm.

I say, to the devil with Apple’s innovations. I stick with BBEdit because it is grounded in a tradition that predates all this nonsense, not because I am dying for it to jump on the “really really great” self-congratulatory band-wagon.


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