At 16:17 -0600 12/20/12, Fritz Anderson wrote:
>On 20 Dec 2012, at 3:36 PM, LuKreme <> wrote:
>> Wouho Otus spake on Thursday 20-Dec-2012@03:02:09
>>> Is there an overtype option for BBEdit?
>> Select the text you want to overtype and type the new text.
>> ?
>The OP is thinking of the ability to take a line that is, say, in the format 
>of a FORTRAN card, click in the line-number field, and type a new number over 
>the existing contents without spoiling the column alignment of the rest of the 
>line. I wouldn't use it, but it's not a crazy requirement. I know TextMate has 
>an overtype mode (which is distressingly easy to get into accidentally), and 
>I'm sure others do, too.
>I know of no such mode, and no obvious search of the BBEdit manual turns it 
>up. Unless this is another of those features that have been in the app for 
>twenty years and nobody noticed.

Another, once common, feature  was the ability to send "letter O, backspace, 
slash" and expect to see a phi.

There is also the possibility of sending a carriage return without a line feed 
followed by a second line of type, which might be some underline characters,  
and a line feed.

bbedit doesn't understand either one. It's a bit like talking to a teenager 
about WW II (or FORTRAN).


--> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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