At 18:38 +0100 on 07/29/2013, John Delacour wrote about Re: Searching for files of a particular line break type:

On 28/7/13 at 22:53, (Steve Hodgson) wrote:

Given a folder of text files is it possible to search which one are of a particular line break type - say Mac Classic (CR)?

If your directory is ³~/temp/textfiles/², run this script in Terminal to change carriage return to linefeed in all the files it contains:

cd; cd temp/textfiles; perl -pi.bak -e "s~\r~\n~g" *

The script will create a backup of the original.


One warning. If you want to change CR to LF (as in this suggestion), you have to watch out for the CR+LF Line ending since just changing CR to LF will make this LF+LF. I am not saying that you will encounter that line ending combination but just that it is a valid one. A folder with a mix of Linux/Unix, Mac, and Windows text files can contain all 3 line endings and you have to be aware of this if you want to change one specific line ending to another.

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