Curiosity point: in a project window, there's an "Add Collection..."
command which adds a little box icon to your project window you can add
files and folders to. I can't actually find an explanation of what
collections are meant to be used for in the BBEdit manual. There's no
section about them, and in fact they're barely mentioned at all -- in
"Creating Files and Folders" we're told you can create a file or folder
"within the initially selected collection (if any), and in "Script Access
to Project Contents" we're told "you can recurse to explore the items
contained within folders or collections"... and as near as I can tell,
that's it.

I'm just curious what the use case for collections is supposed to be. I
have files that I want to keep outside my project root in an "in-progress"
folder, and I can add that to a collection -- but I can also just add it to
the project with  "Add Items..." and save a step of indirection. Is there
something I'm missing? (And is this perhaps something that should be added
to the manual?)

- Watts

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