On Apr 12, 2015, at 22:27, Claira Monica <claira.mon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, when I use "Process Lines Containing", when I click on the "Options" 
> button, the only checkbox that is active in the lower area is "Delete matched 
> lines"...

Hello Claira,

By design I believe.

> Secondly, what I really want to do is _keep_ only the lines that contain a 
> given phrase, not _remove_ them...how can I do that?

Use an AppleScript or a Text-Filter.


tell application "BBEdit"
  tell text of front text window
    set foundLines to copied lines of (process lines containing matching string 
"Shane +S.+" with matching with grep)
    set its contents to foundLines
  end tell
end tell

Text Filter:

#! /usr/bin/env perl 
        use strict; use warnings;

while (<>) {
        if ( m!Shane +S.+!i ) { print; };

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