On Sep 10, 2015, at 11:37, J Hall <jhal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have header and footer information that I need to kill.
> The header starts with
> <!-- Begin Action Control bar. -->
> and ends 150 lines later with
> <!-- End Action Control bar. -->

Hey There,

As has been mentioned BBEdit doesn't do multi-line by default.

You have to adjust the pattern.


(?s)<!-- Begin Action Control bar\. -->.+?<!-- End Action Control bar. -->


(?s) == Magic Dot - allows . to match \r and \n


(?s)<!-- Begin bottom list action bar\. -->.+?<!-- end tocCart -->


.+? == Any character 1 or more non-greedy or the shortest match.
Grep normally looks for the longest match.

Best Regards,

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