On 6/15/17 at 11:02 PM, f.alfredor...@gmail.com (F. Alfredo Rego) wrote:

You wrote generically: "There is AN expert preference". Can you please provide the SPECIFIC name and location of this preference, or the specific "defaults write" command?

My reason for asking: Searching the Expert Preferences help for "backspace from the insertion point" doesn't lead anywhere (at least here in the mountains, under BBEdit version 11.6.7 (397078) ).

Searching the Expert Preferences page for "backspace" should turn up the requisite key :-), namely:


Clippings, Editing and Text Completion


* When you backspace from the insertion point, BBEdit will delete a
     tab stop's worth of spaces if there are only spaces (and tabs)
between the insertion point and the start of the line on which you're
     editing. This may be disabled by an expert preference if desired:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit Editor_DeleteIndentationWhitespaceToTabStop -bool NO




 Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc.             <http://www.barebones.com/>

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