Although this is the BBEdit forum, I would recommend good 'ol "sed" from
the command line for this job. Something like this should work:

sed '/<a href/ s/:/\&amp;/g' <old.html >new.html

to do it on all files in the working directory:
find . -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i '' '/<a href/ s/:/\&amp;/g' "{}" \;

Or, less cryptic, open the file in vim. Here, the same command would be
:/<a href/ s/:/\&amp;/g

These examples replace every ":" with "&amp;" only on lines that contain
"<a href" (assuming, that patterns identifies the lines you are looking for
- please adapt). And of course: try this on copies first - no guarantee,
that command does not wreak havoc upon your files :-)

To bring this back to BBEdit: It would be a nice addition if BBEdit's
search window would someday get an additional "only search lines matching a
pattern" functionality :-)


On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 12:05 AM, Lee Hinde <> wrote:

> I've taken over a project and have many many html files with strings like
> this:
> <a href="/catalogView.html?4;24;1::::::::::Page=1;Bran=512033">
> I want to change all occurrences of a semi-colon within a url to something
> else, like &amp;.
> I started with this search string:
> (href=\".*);(.*\"[ ,>])
> and this replacement string:
> \1\&amp;\2
> The problem is it is only replacing one of the semi-colons (and oddly, to
> me, not the first one) and I'd like to replace all of them.
> Pointers would be appreciated.
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