Good afternoon folks,

We're currently working on a feature update to BBEdit 12, which includes a number of new features, as well as fixes for recently reported issues.

Testing is currently underway, and we have a stable pre-release version ready for use.

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be bugs and regressions.

If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public release. :-)

Complete change notes to date for all the pre-release builds in this cycle are available here:


The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify that it's been fixed correctly. Please take the time to review the changes before using the new build -- it'll be worth your time.


version 12.1 (410013)   (2018-01-11)


o   (none in this build)


o   (none in this build)


*   [NFR] Fixed regression in which the command-line tool install
    prompt would misreport version numbers.

*   [NFR] [351216] Fixed regression in which the default sidebar
    split proportion in project windows (saved via Save Default
Window) was not properly applied when creating a new project or
    opening a folder as a project.

*   The `bbedit` tool now allows `txmt:` URLs to be supplied as
    arguments to be opened.

*   If the system Trackpad preferences are set appropriately, a
    Force Click on a word in a text view will now look it up using
    the Dictionary popup.

*   Updated the built-in `cmark` tool to the current version
    (0.28.3, at this writing).

*   The Markdown scanner now allows spaces (but not tabs or line
    breaks) in URLs that are enclosed in parentheses.

* [351042] Fixed bug in which certain terms used as identifiers in
    Lua would confuse the function scanner.

*   [347093] Made a change to the policy for which elements are
    considered by the Markup Builder, which addresses cases in which
    unexpected suggestions were made (such as when trying to populate
    a list element).

*   Made changes to significantly improve file I/O performance when
    opening and saving text documents of nontrivial size.

*   [351177] Made a change so that undoing a "Duplicate Lines"
    operation selects the text that was previously selected.

*   [341279] The Python function menu now includes items for
    callouts (`FIXME`, `TODO`, `REVIEW`, `???`, `!!!`, and `NOTE`).

*   [351208] Fixed bug in which it was possible to run a filter from
    the Text Filters palette when no eligible editing view was
    available, which would cause a crash.

*   [351206] Fixed crash which would occur when inserting text as
    the result of dictation or other non-keyboard input events.

*   If you wish, you may adjust the size of the search history for
    the Find/Multi-File Search windows:

`defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindAndReplaceHistorySize -int [some number]`

A minimum history size of 2 is enforced. Setting the history to zero makes it infinite.

*   [351239] Fixed bug in which "Save to FTP/SFTP Server" would log
    in to the remote root directory instead of the default login
    directory in cases where the "Path" field was left blank.


One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on topic and productive for all list members.

The package can be downloaded from our web server:



Rich Siegel

Bare Bones Software, Inc.             <>

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