On 10/28/2018, at 02:57, Vlad Ghitulescu <v...@ghitulescu.de 
<mailto:v...@ghitulescu.de>> wrote:
> I always wanted to ask: Doesn't Keyboard Maestro does already all what 
> FastScripts does? Or is it the "Fast"-part that matters (I read once 
> somewhere that FastScripts holds the compiled scripts in the memory)? Why 
> both?

Hey Vlad,

Why FastScripts?

I have nearly 600 AppleScripts that are mostly hotkey-driven.

FastScripts runs them faster than Keyboard Maestro – enough so I notice on my 
older hardware, although on newer hardware this may be less of an issue.

FastScripts is specifically designed to work with Apple's on-disk script 
hierarchy (similarly to Apple's own AppleScript menu), but FS adds global and 
app-specific keyboard shortcuts and a better user interface.

FastScripts has a keyboard shortcut for opening its menu, and this allows 
type-selecting scripts to run.

The FastScripts menu works more reliably with type-select than the Keyboard 
Maestro status menu.

I run AppleScripts from compiled-script-files rather than text-scripts, because 
there is a distinct performance advantage – FastScripts is a more convenient 
mechanism for managing AppleScripts than Keyboard Maestro.

I can open a script for editing by depressing the Option-key when selecting it 
from the FastScripts menu.

I can reveal the script in the Finder by depressing the Shift-key when 
selecting it from the FastScripts menu.

FastScripts uses a different mechanism to run AppleScripts than Keyboard 
Maestro, so I can use it to test with if Keyboard Maestro is choking on 
something and see whether KM is the problem or not.

Because of the different AppleScript-runner mechanism, FastScripts will run 
some AppleScriptObjC code that Keyboard Maestro won’t.

FastScripts gives me a second means of running AppleScripts and shell scripts, 
so I can offload jobs that take time on it (or KM) and still have the other 

I do drive a very few pure AppleScript macros from Keyboard Maestro, because on 
occasion I get better performance – but I’m more likely to use AppleScripts 
with Keyboard Maestro when they are part of a larger macro.

FastScripts lets me work with the Keyboard Maestro Editor without involving 
Keyboard Maestro which is especially useful if I’ve quit the engine.

There are other reasons that have cropped up over the last 15 years, but I 
don’t remember all of them.

Take Care,

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