On Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 6:16:52 AM UTC-7, Rich Siegel wrote:
> The legacy file system APIs which explicitly supported HFS file 
> type and creator still work for the moment, but are deprecated. 

 LOL... Ok, maybe "supported" was the wrong word. "Still works" was 
probably more appropriate.

On Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 8:12:52 AM UTC-7, Sam Hathaway wrote:
> Another possible solution: … Hope this helps!

Oddly enough, the CFBundleTypeOSTypes key istill remains in BBEdit's 
Info.plist, they are just not writing the attribute to newly created files. 
But if the file does have the attribute, it will open in BBEdit. Easily set 
with one line of AppleScript:

*tell* *application* "Finder" *to* *set* file type *of* ((*POSIX file* 
"/Users/ss/Desktop/test") *as* *alias*) *to* "TEXT" 



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