Hi Christopher,

I'm actually doing a home brewn approach to a zettelkasten system. The main
things are there: just one repository (folder) and date based id's in the
file names.

Here are some thoughts that you may also read as tipps:

   - My most important advice would be: do not relate on one app. As
   astounding as BBEdit is, it hast some weak points (please forgive me this
   heresy) when it comes to the special needs of a zettelkasten:
      - instant searching your notes (preferable with a system wide hot
      key) - I use nvALT for that, it still holds the crown in that ballpark
      (some kind of a Live Search for project files would be a nice addition to
      BBEdit (at least for my needs))
      - #hashtag support out of the box (you might try The Archive for that)
      - [[WikiLink-Support]] - again, nvALT is good at this
   - I also use BBEdit heavily on my zettelkasten as it is my main tool
   when it comes to editing text. Here are some minor twists that help me
   - I recorded a "Find Next WikiLink" script: just start a recording in
      the Script Editor, switch to BBEdit and perform a search for \[\[.+?\]\]
      - … or hit cmd+B when inside a [[WikiLink]]
      - "Open File by Name" (cmd+D by default) opens other files quickly
      - I use a BBEdit project for my zettelkasten. They allow you to use
      containers to create temporalily hierarchical structures - without
      rearranging your files (I'm not too dogmatic about the no-subfolder-rule)
      - Filters are also a great tool for working with a zettelkasten - I
      set up a few filters that simply search for text contents (mostly for
      hashtags like #project_xy). This narrows down the file list in a project.
   - Last but not least, I rely on Keyboard Maestro (honestly I can not
   imagine using a Mac without it): if you don't know it, in very short words:
   it is a macro utility (and so much more).
   - It nicely handles the creation of new zettel files - including the
      creation of a time based id in the file name
      - It is also easy to set up a macro that creates a new file and
      copies the current selection to it - giving me a system wide
snippet saving
      - It communicates nicely with BBEdit: it can access BBEdit's Text
      Factories to achieve all kinds of text processing needs, even if
you are in
      some other app (an example: I have a macro that uses a Text Factory to
      extract all [[WikiLinks]] of the frontmost text document and to provide a
      nice Spotlight-like search bar for navigating and opening one of it)

So this might not be the solution you are looking for, but in my opinion
BBEdit is a strong chain link in a zettelkasten system that is even more
fertile when brought together with other good tools. And at the end of the
day it is the beauty of plain text that makes this freedom a joy (and one
of the reasons I still like and use BBEdit so much).


On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 10:38 PM Christopher H. <hes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> I am wondering if anybody has experience using BBEdit as their primary
> location for a Zettelkasten-based note-taking system? For the uninitiated,
> Zettelkasten is just another way of keeping track of notes and ideas
> <https://zettelkasten.de> - a system rather than a piece of software.
> It's described thoroughly in English in the book *How to Take Smart Notes*
>  by Sönke Ahrens
> <https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14876464.S_nke_Ahrens>, and while
> there are now a few pieces of primary software that have been built around
> the general principles of the Zettelkasten, others have ported the system
> to their text editor of choice - such as has been done with Sublime Text
> <https://github.com/renerocksai/sublime_zk>.
> I would love to have this functionality ported to BBEdit rather than using
> a separate piece of software, if anybody is aware of efforts to do so. The
> primary features required are related to automatic ID generation for the
> file as well as incorporation of wiki-style links.
> - Christopher H.
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