Are there keyboard shortcuts to move the focus between the results list pane 
and the text editing pane in a search results browser window (or an error 
browser window)?

I want to do a multi-file search. In the search results browser, I can navigate 
through the files and result lines with the arrow keys. But once I have a file 
of interest, I want to switch focus down into that file's text in the editing 
pane, navigate through the file and do selective replacements with Cmd-G / 
Cmd-= / Cmd-Shift-=. When I'm done with the file, I can save it with Cmd-S; but 
then I want to switch focus back to the results pane to find the next file of 

I think there must be a way to do the pane focus switch with the keyboard, but 
I can't figure out what it is. Having to switch to the mouse to do the focus 
switches really bogs down my work flow.


        Neil Faiman

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