On Feb 7, 2021, at 4:53 PM, Peace Keeper <maddi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> as my source code is growing, it is sometimes difficult to find the line, 
> where I started scrolling. I already use the split view to keep e.g. the 
> block with variables of the source in scope, but I still need to scroll 
> sometimes.
> ....
> Or any other suggestions ? 

It sounds like what you want to do is to go sightseeing around your code, but 
be able to easily return to where you started. 

If you do your sightseeing with PageUp / PageDown / the scroll bar / the mouse 
scroll wheel / etc., then the text cursor stays where you left it, so all you 
need to do is to hit the left or right arrow key, which will move the cursor in 
the line it is in and scroll the document to bring that line back into view.

If you actually want to do something that moves the text cursor somewhere else 
in the document, and then return to where you were, try using the Set Jump 
Point / Previous Jump Point / Next Jump Point commands from the Go menu (and of 
course, if you end up using these much, you can always assign key commands to 


        Neil Faiman

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