Good morning,

On 27 May 2021, at 21:59, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

Yes, but I want to view two *different* files.

And regarding the reason for that requirement, you can create a virtual camera which records just a portion of your screen (with the two windows) and use that virtual camera to feed into the screen share (rather than sharing screen directly). I don't really know anything about the solutions for that; just that I saw a gaming friend showing us his setup to do that for streaming.

I suspect a virtual camera is way overkill for what you need, but just throwing an idea from outside the box.

My solution for that... I have multiple displays, so I "clean up" one display and put all my BBEdit windows on that display, and share that display. The multi-doc single-window wouldn't solve my screen sharing anyway since I will often need iTerm in the mix.

Lastly, have you looked at Tuple? I haven't used it but I'm pretty sure they have a 'share screen selection' feature. But it's for pair programming and not sharing screen to a group.


Anyway, I'm curious about your use-case and how you find to solve it - you are not the only one screen sharing BBEdit docs. ;-)

My main problem with screen sharing BBEdit windows is pixel/font size. Or maybe it's my large/retina screen being shared to non-retina laptop screens - I have to change BBEdit windows to at least 18pt font so text is big enough for others. And of course change the size back afterwards.



    Charlie Garrison                   <>
    Garrison Computer Services      <>

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