First, a big Thank You to everyone who’s participated in this group over 
the years. I’ve had at least half a dozen pressing questions answered via 
searching existing posts here, saving us all the trouble of me asking anew.

This one has me stumped, and searching here and generally on the WWW hasn't 
helped, nor has studying the BBEdit sample files.

I cannot figure out how to use AppleScript to create a new HTML document 
from an existing template file, as i easily do manually via ^⌘N then select 
my template then type in the title in the Title field and tap Create.

I did try Recording into a blank Script Editor window, performing the above 
steps: window remained totally empty, as though i’d done nothing.

How does one script this in AppleScript?

(BBEdit 11.6.8, macOS 10.12.6 Sierra, AppleScript 2.5 with Script Editor 

~ Thanks ~

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