If I select every occurrence of "whatsit" through which ever means.

Work file:

def do_something( doohickeis )
        doohickeis.each do | whatsit |
                print whatsit

Then run this AppleScript.

tell window 1 of application "BBEdit"
        set stuff to get selection
end tell

It returns a list like this.

{characters 54 thru 60 of text document 1, characters 66 thru 72 of text 
document 1, characters 82 thru 88 of text document 1, characters 104 thru 110 
of text document 1}

Thats great, but if I use that list to select those items again like this.

tell window 1 of application "BBEdit"
        set stuff to get selection
        select stuff
end tell

Each selection will shrink by one character, from the right end of the 
selection. So characters 54 thru 60 will look like 54 thru 59 as so on through 
the list. This list as reported by AppleScript will not change the first time, 
but will if you run the script multiple times. The selections will shrink on 
every consecutive run until they're gone.

If I do the same thing with a contiguous selection (no lists involved just the 
range of characters) this doesn't happen.

What's going on here?

— Chris(topher)?

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