Hey Bruce,

Here is script to encode the paths with '< >’ brackets.


tell application "BBEdit"
        tell window 1
                if (length of selection) = 0 then return
                set _path to selection as text
                set _cmd to "ruby -rURI -e "
                        set _uri to do shell script _cmd & quoted form of 
("puts URI.join( \"file:///\", URI.escape(\"" & _path & "\".chomp))")
                on error
                        set _uri to _path
                end try
                set selection to "<" & _uri & ">"
                #set _sel_start to (characterOffset of selection)
                #set _sel_end to (length of selection) + _sel_start
                #select (characters (_sel_start + 1) thru (_sel_end - 2))
        end tell
end tell


I commented out a section that will select the path and not the brackets.

> On Jan 11, 2022, at 7:29 AM, Craig Heilman <cra...@bugsoft.com> wrote:
> Follow the link by clicking anywhere in the path (delimited by the backticks) 
> with whatever key modifiers (Cmd, Opt, etc.) have be configured and have a 
> script grab the entire path, encode it, then follow it like a link - i.e., 
> the same as if you Cmd-click on the following:

You could have a script do something like this; getting the path between the 
ticks and opening it. But you would have to invoke it through the script menu, 
the script palette, or a key command.

— Chris(topher)?

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