What I've got will run to the first 'asecho ' command and not reach the 

What I'd like to do is create a backup of any file being edited on my local 
host even if it is a remote document. I'm quite sure that the fault is in 
my script and not in BBEdit. I searched the archives here and found nothing 
related to this problem.

Anyone smarter about AppleScript (and almost everyone here would fit that 
statement) care to point out the error of my ways?



-- text document doc

*on* documentDidSave(doc)

   -- do shell script "~/asecho 1 running"

   *set* fromFTP *to* doc *is* FTP

   -- do shell script "~/asecho 2 post fromFTP"

   *if* fromFTP *then*

       -- set path to URL of doc

       *set* _ftpinfo *to* FTPInfo *of* doc

       *set* _path *to* path *of* _ftpinfo

       *set* _host *to* host *of* _ftpinfo

       *do shell script* "~/asecho 3 " & quoted form *of* _host

       *set* u *to* *URL* *of* doc

       *do shell script* "~/asecho 4 " & u

       *set* p *to* POSIX path *of* _path

       *do shell script* "~/UnixEnvironment/src/script/backuptext " & p


       *set* f *to* *file* *of* doc

       *set* p *to* POSIX path *of* f

       *do shell script* "~/UnixEnvironment/src/script/backuptext " & p

   *end* *if*

*end* documentDidSave

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