I have had intermittent success using my PowerMac G5's Airport Extreme card, 
and it turns out it is because I've switched up how much RAM my system uses 
between installs (specifically from 512MB to 1.5GB).

When I type "ifconfig up", I get this message in my xterm: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: 
After I do a modprobe of bcm43xx, and I type "sudo dmesg" it says at the bottom 
of the list 

"[ 2154.224122] bcm43xx: >>>FATAL ERROR<<< DMA RINGMEMORY >1G (0x4adf5000, len: 

Removing memory DOES fix it, which is what is so frustrating. I have dual 2.0 
Ghz processors, each with 756mb of RAM = 1.5GB total.

"DMA Engine Bugs
The DMA Engine can only address memory below 1Gb, this seems to be a limitation 
of the Silicon Backplane used in the Broadcom 44xx chipsets as well. To get 
around this issue, try to ensure that all memory to be used for DMA is below 
1G. In addition, when addressing any memory with the DMA engine, you will need 
to add 1<<30 to the address. It is believed that the top two bits are used for 
control, or internal routing, but their exact purpose is unknown."

Apparently it's a DMA issue specific to Broadcom and the PPC Linux kernel 
people don't want to mess with the purity of the kernel just to fix it.  Any 
chance you guys could give it a whirl or know how I can resolve this?  Forgive 
my inexperience.  I'm using Ubuntu Linux Dapper Flight 6, upgraded to the 
latest PPC 64 kernel.
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