On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 at 09:29:33PM -0500, Larry Finger wrote:
> Otto Solares wrote:
> >On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 at 08:47:51PM +0200, Michael Buesch wrote:
> >>Here are some patches that port the pci bridge
> >>code of b43 to ssb. So with these patches it is
> >>possible to run b43 and your yet-to-be-ported
> >>b43legacy in parallel. The bridge code in ssb
> >>would always probe the correct driver.
> >
> >Hi!
> >
> >Is the BCM4306 a b43 or b43legacy device?, I'm asking for
> >the WRT54GL which uses the SB bus.  Thanks!
> Yes ;-). It depends on the revision. The BCM4306/2 has a PHY revision of 1 
> and an 802.11 core revision of 4 - it uses b43legacy. The newer BCM4306's 
> use b43. The distinction is dependent on support in Broadcom V4 firmware.


How can I tell the revision number in the WRT54GL?

OpenWRT uses the propietary driver version, is that
a v4 firmware?  which b43 driver should I test (b43|b43legacy)?

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