Dale this is not a flame-war list or a place to show your illiteracy.  
Step off.

Dale Walsh wrote:
> On Jun 27, 2008, at 12:41 PM, Ehud Gavron wrote:
> What is your problem, maybe you should up your medication!!!
I can't find you listed as a licensed physician.  Are you dispensing 
medical advice without a license?
> The fact that you make this response shows your not very bright,
*LOL*  Did you mean "You're" not very bright, because then "you're" 
right.  If you meant "your not very bright" then perhaps remedial first 
grade English would be called for.  I don't know -- English is my second 

> I'm not interested in a "high" and "mightier than thou" attitude of 
> turds like you when your response doesn't contribute to anything positive.
Calling people idiots and then turds is further evidence that you need 
to MOVE ALONG NOW.  Step off, eh.
> Is everyone on this list a moron
Yes, we're all morons.  You're the genius.  Go to 

> ...
>  I'll wait for someone intelligent to offer something of value
Apparently your four postings over several weeks have gained you none of 
that.  Step off, eh.

> -- Dale
Perhaps instead of prescribing medications, calling people idiots and 
turds, and saying nothing of intelligence is being presented you should 
take a deep breath (go ahead, really), try not to be illiterate (you 
know, "your" vs "you're", "it's" vs "its" and so on), and MOVE ALONG.

In case the message was unclear, let me assure you in the friendliest way,
Step off, eh.

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