List compatriots,
I'm writing on this frosty near zero New Years Eve morn of
my evening conversation & night prayers have
set me to asked your help, for
In getting ready to do the grinding & "intenting" this eve on the 3 Kings

I am asked to consider "Who are the "Elementals" we are inviting in & what
exactly are we asking of them"?

Ya know in the Piscean age it was easy. We defer to them & honored them.
Now we are in the Aquarian age and we are asked to be co-creating.

What is it we are co-creating with-in these boundaries we will mark on the
Peace, Love & Understanding, and the "Highest Quality" food known anywhere,
We all need mission statement & new years resolution.

But what are the roles we ask the Elementals to play in this co-creating.
What are their names & who are those we care not to have around.

When we feel we don't have the clear understandings of Glen, Hugh(2x), Steve
& Peter to
set about this co-creating do we get stymied? Are we now expected to
understand each & every piece the Elementals work/play with each protein
Or do we say here is what I bring to the operation today & I will work
through the year to do more?
How's this all to work?

I know I smugly replied the other day's post to do it on faith
but in checking in with the beings I personally know
the questions are not clear what it is to be a co-creator for them or me.

If I get a clear answer I'll let you know.

Please send yours.

In Love & Light

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