>The final numbers should be the ultimate proof. Till I get the numbers I
>should say nothing more but I do not agree to some oppinions that 
>have the tendency
>to present Dr Elaine as the only person in the world capable of 
>telling you the right
>way of doing things.

Jose - Your tea may be good enough that it doesn't matter if you lose 
some of the life in the process of making it. Your tea might be food 
enough that when you brew it it does everything that you'd hope a 
compost tea to be. My friend Jerry Brunetti is making the best tea 
Elaine's NY lab has seen.Why, because he's making his tea from better 
compost than Elaine's customers are capable of making.  I imagine 
most BD growers have a big edge in making compost tea for the very 
same reasons.

All I'm saying is that when we put out a lot of time and money to 
save time and money, it makes sense to use a system that's 
synergistic and not antagonistic to our goals. People making tea from 
weak compost cannot afford to guillotine, shear, plane or pump their 
mircrobes to the extent that power compost makers can.

I first met Elaine at ACRES in St Louis in the mid-90's. She'd 
already spent a lot of time counting bugs at that point. she's done 
an awful lot since then. Given that her opinions are drawn from 
direct observation and extensive field experimentation, I'm very open 
to take her advice in the realm of her specialty.


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