>Richard K. criticises democracy and, of course, he's right - but 
>which other realistic system is preferable ?  Winston Churchill 
>commented (roughly) that democracy seems the worst possible way to 
>run a country, until you look at the alternatives.  The 'democracy' 
>of the Greeks and, later, the Founding Fathers was certainly 
>restricted to an elite but, hopefully, we've come on a bit since 
>then.  I've briefly visited (for example) Iraq and Saudi Arabia and 
>I'd certainly sooner live in the constitutional monarchy of GB, or 
>even under the non-democratic presidency of George W !
>                                 Tony N-S.

Tony - Richard K. MOORE (thanks, Woody) has written extensively on 
alternative forms of government. YOu can find more of his writings, 
and join the mailing list that this piece was drawn from by going to 

I don't see Moore as oppossed to DEMOCRACY. I see him pointing out 
how the industrialists have promoted the illusion of individuality 
through public education and media. This illusion of individuality 
has been the death of community, the family, and traditional 
relationship between men and women. What industialists garner from 
this individuality - - which, admit it, we each are sitting here 
holding in the highest regard, in fact, almost think it is sacred - 
- is an individuality which, when the shit comes down will never have 
any strenght greater than the number ONE. We have given away all of 
our traditional alliances: spouse, family, relatives, neighborhood, 
church, community, etc and traded it for this illusion of royalty 
with limited license for self-indulgence. We're not even a mob, not 
even a mass any longer, just a great collection of individuals, alll 
rightly thinking of ourselves as the Number One. Perfect for 
manipulation by a phony democracy, WHERE EVERYONE'S VOICE COUNTS 
EQUALLY - May he who can buy the largest number of votes win, etc.

There is no choice when there is not choice, you know?

Anyway, Richard actually offers some positive paths to recovering 
community, relationships and true individuality.

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