This is as unlikely a place for a discussion of the life and times of Frank
Zappa as I could imagine.

Imagine writing a paper entitled 'Rudolf Steiner and Frank Zappa: a BD take
on the crux of the biscuit'!

No, I don't think 'Dynamo Hum' or 'Cosmic Debris' qualify as new age hits,
python boots or no python boots.

On the other hand, naming your daughter 'Moon Unit' seems a touch more New
Agey somehow....

One thing about Al Gore, he did write a preface to Our Stolen Future,

Frank Teuton---reminding everyone to not eat yellow is that
time of year, eh?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lance Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Clinton not Bush

> I believe Zappa was a Republican, although his politics seemed more
> libertarian.  He certainly didn't espouse any "new age" philosophies as
> as I know.  (Lance whose garage band played covers of Freak Out songs in
> 60s- which is not quite saying "I knew FZ and you're no FZ")
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2002 7:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Clinton not Bush
> > >I'm not certain change will come from politics and elected officials. I
> > >voted for Nadar too, really 'cause of his running mate, and I hated the
> > >thought of Gore in office...(being an old hippie (er' I mean a young
> > >it's hard to forget Tipper's censorship of rock' n' roll.
> >
> > Hey, when chairman Senator Al Gore lost his composure like a child
> > while telling
> >
> -of-very-rapidly-growing-prostate-cancer
> > hearing witness Frank Zappa that he had been a 'fan of yours, Mr
> > Zappa, for my entire life,' I have to admit, I had more hope for ol'
> > Al than he ever deserved.
> >
> > I also heard him give a fine address on CSpan recently. In his
> > self-introduction he mentioned his life in politics with a line
> > something like this "You know, you either win or your lose and in
> > just a very few instances something other than that happens."
> >
> > Environmentalist he wasn't, but often there was a glimpse of a real
> > human being within the deepsea diving outfit he always seems to be
> > wearing under his suit. -Allan
> >

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