Hi Tom,

Yea, you are probably right about pollution in the cape cod area being part
responsible for the advent of various new infectious diseases to that region.

So many times we hear of various viruses or bacteria being the sole blame for
a disease ( enabling multinationals to reap millions out of vaccinations )
when the fundamental primary cause of the problem lies with the defective
immune response.

Take TB for example, TB is endemic in the environment. It lurks all around us
. But when the immune system in the lung tissues, etc, gets weakened in some
way - as occurred in malnourished inner city slum dwellers in Victorian
England or ocean bound expelled Irish crofters who were starved whilst
emigrating to the USA - then TB will get ahold and erupt in a clinical way.
Another good example is AIDS, whose victims invariably develop TB as a
secondary response to the damaged T cell immune response.

Many organic chemicals and environmental oxidants ( such as ozone gas )
disturb the functiions of  T and B white cells and  cell mediated immunity in
a myriad of ways. Some chemicals such as solvents and anaesthetics damage the
immune defence at the blood brain barrier , and their chronic exposures
amongst floor cleaners  or those who reside in Institutional buildings ( eg
students ) or those who are regularly exposed to surgery has lead to many
cases of meningitis bursting out. Some forms of radiation will invoke the
same mode of immune damage. Again, meningoccal organisms are everywhere in
the environment !!

Auto immune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis can arise as a result of
chemicals bonding into the tryptophan amino acid residues in the myelin nerve
sheaths that surround the nerves. The molecular weight of these amino acids
subsequently increases to the extent that the B immune system is tricked into
believing that these overweight molecules are alien, so the B cells launch a
self destructive assault on your own myelin nerve sheaths leaving you with
stripped "raw nerves" which cannot conduct the nerve impulses any longer. MS
ensues. It invariably transpires that most MS victims had worked with fat
soluble solvents in their lives.

returning to Lymes Disease, Tom;  A Chemical company engineered phobia was
whipperd up in the Uk here over a mere three cases of Lymes disease in the
whole of SW England that had supposedly occurred as a result of these victims
having visited bracken infested national park regions. The Chemical companies
launched a major PR operation to try to convince all of the National Park
Authorities that they could eliminate Lyme's Disease if they funded a
national herbicide aerial spray programme with long acting Asulam over all
the Bracken infested regions across SW Engand. Needless to say the gullible
National Park Authorities ( along with the Chemical company rep infiltrators
on their committees ! ) voted to carry out this crazy eradication campaign.
Our golden autumn hillside National Parks were transfigured into a sickly
black rotting herbicided mat each year, and of course the incidence of Lymes
disease continued to rise - probably because the immune system of those who
were walking in the NationalParks got hammered by the long acting potency of
Asulam , and tthe few surviving ticks managed to seed off Lymes disease in
those people more effectively than before. Its a crazy, perverted approach !!

So , I am sure that Cape cod has become an immunotoxic cocktail of a myriad
of chemicals ranging from fat soluble aerofuels, etc,; thereby explaining the
outbursts of both long standing and novel microbiologically related



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