In a message dated 2/26/02 4:30:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Through conscious observation and understanding.

Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
be "How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my

Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants

The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
this way.
RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels. 
It is yours and each of our choice.
The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
bits on how to make the preps. 
This is the REAl challenge I see put before us by Biodynamics.
This is also be one of the HUGE differences between the BD buck turners
and some other BD practioners. The BDAs seem to have a small
appreciation of this need and difference however they do not seem to
have or promote the skills necessary to make conscious spiritual
perception a every day reality. So they sit on high and isolate quietly. 
Glen    >>

Excellent description for a course charted through thte future.  Dowsing is a 
good tool but should not become a crutch for us to lean on.  Active 
perception and conscious participation is the key to success in using the BD 

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