I don't think we have any big ag farm pesticide problems "up ditch" 
from us, but you never know.  We also have a pipe directly to the 
river (not viable in low water months) and a deep underground well. 
We'll do the best we can.

Do you find using a pendulum useful in your farm work?  Have you used 
to check hunches on water, seed and soil quality?  I use one for 
checking vitamin supplements but not much else.  After reading how so 
many of the list use one I think I'll have to practice dowsing on 
food, compost, and other practical matters.  It's been great to 
receive inspiration from the list.


>Probably not a problem in your area, Tom, but you have to watch 
>irrigation ditch water as a possible source of highly contaminated 
>runoff from your chemically managed neighbors. I read a study a 
>while back that California farmers who were trash pumping 'lost 
>water' on their off days (water that escaped from other farms and 
>was fair game for other growers downstream to use even if it wasnt' 
>their water day) were getting up to 3x as much insecticide as the 
>maximum recommended dosages. Of course, since these insecticides 
>were not 'applied,' it's presence didn't affect subsequent 
>applications of more insecticides on the farm.

Do you mean East Coast?  Irrigation in the Spanish and pueblo 
Southwest of course pre-dates the Mormons by hundreds of years.

>PS But, boy, do I wish that we had an irrigation system here on the 
>west coast. Praise to the 19th cent Mormons, eh?

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