----- Original Message -----
From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: My brush with the world
To allan and the several dozen
I have included this tip in a couple of previous posts and there has been no response so here goes again
" go to the web site for the American Dowsers Association  www.dowsers.org and download the booklet  " letter to Robin "  by Walt Woods (its near the bottom of their home page in small letters) its 29 pages or so and will print out easily - this is THE best 'learn to dowse' that I have ever seen - follow this instruction booklet and you will not believe how easy it was to learn ".  a word of warning - do not, I repeat DO NOT do an internet search for 'letter to robin'  you will turn up some of the most vile and hateful devil worship stuff, put there by some religious fanatic /anti dowser and I guarantee if you read the one that I opened you will not enjoy the rest of that day!!  Go straight to the dowsers proper site.!! 
I was, like most newcomers , lost in the maze when Cheryl Kemp recommended 'Letter to Robin' to me and everything just fell into place. Once I had this it was just so easy !!    
Success is just three clicks away  
Lloyd Charles
> >You say " I have no idea if I can dowse or not."
> >
> >Want some off list help?
> >
> >Gil
> Gil - Dowsing is never off topic on this list. If you're up for
> teaching, I'm sure there are several dozen highly motivated students
> on BD Now! _Allan
ps I dont mean to cast doubts about Gil's abilities which I am sure are first rate but this other is already out there and is so so easy for a basic starter .

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