Hello to all you bdnow good food consumers,

I recently contacted SFNM to order the wonderful vital food I've missed from
Steiner-practicing-farmers in Victor & Linette Landa's network.

The food arrived so quickly that I called to say thanks and asked how come
it arrived so fast. Victor told me that orders were down and therefore it
was easier to fill the few orders more quickly. This alarmed me and I asked
if this was since the fallout over the trademarking, Demeter issue, which of
course it was.

So I am asking you (I think Kristy also mentioned this a few weeks back)
that we should ALL call or go to the website and order up!! (or at least
those of you in the US) Let's ensure this service stays viable so we can
continue to taste and enjoy this vital food-- some of which is even from
some of the farmers on this list!

Blessings on all your good work!


Call  888-384-9642 to order

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