Title: Re: Nettle tea for insect repellant
Allan, I've had some good success with Tansy.
The top 2-3 in of young growth blended in blender or food processor and diluted out 3 or 4 X as a drench.

Good luck their nasty

From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 06:01:57 -0400
Subject: Nettle tea for insect repellant

I was speaking to Hugh Courtney earlier this week and he mentioned
that a 'fresh tea' of stinging nettle was an excellent spray to use
for control of flea beetles.

He said the tea should be made similar to the equisetum recipe for
fresh equisetum tea, but that the tea itself should be made as one
would make a tea for drinking (ie hot water poured onto leaves which
are left to steep as opposed to, I assume, simmering the leaves for
20 minutes) The resulting tea should then be expanded 9:1 with plain

Anyonsing this tea? Making this tea? Have had success with this tea?

My current problem - - one for the whole county - - is massive
attacks of cucumber beetles. Any suggestions, aside from peppering?



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