Title: Re: The Perils of BSE
From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The Perils of BSE

Well said ALLAN!!

>As far as I'm concerned, Mark Purdey has established that Mad Cow and
related diseases are the result of 'chemical' exposures to
populations of mammals that are already experiencing a certain of

ACRES USA, no piker in the realm of wholistic animal health, has
awarded Mark its lifetime achievement award for his work and out of
appreciation for the personal sacrifice he has suffered to continue
unraveling this mystery.

esp: >What do we do? Listen to the media with both ears and people within our own movement with one ear?

A it is so interesting how the phase "doctors say"
still has any cache with the public and yet.........

On the CWD front here in WI the Media continues to garner praise from my ego (sic) in that three major interviews this past week. Nation CBS fed is to come this week as are the folks from NHK the Japanese Public TV.

More to other points you raised Allan
>And I do agree that any biodynamic business plan that relies on fresh
horns from mid-western slaughter houses is doomed to failure not too
far down the road.

The USDA (US department of Ag) is locking horns with our state Legislature over not accrediting private labs to do CWD testing for fear that a bovine sample will get slipped in and tested! Why did McDO change their burger scorcing to Brazil and AU?


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