Title: Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading
SStorch you ask:
Markess, can you elaborate on your experience in this communication with the

How can we communicate and co-create with these beings,
even though I would be the one of a very few wiling to acknowledge their

Here is synopsis of my experience. The first Devas I met were in the Snow Mountains in WY, at a friends/teachers cabin. He had said to his wife some weeks before that he wondered if my use Radionics would help open "Com Lines" with the entities he felt there. Well they were listening. One of them has a huge range that he works over N America. So he had some first hand experience of Radionics uses in Ag and some sense that it could balance & remove distortion in beings.

Well four of them greeted me at the front door upon arrival. This was new stuff to me!  They asked if I could do healing on them. I said I'd do some work on them. I took separate Polaroid witness of them at the screen door. These worked well. Over several days they became trusting enough to give me their names or clear designations. I'd started with #1 etc. They all had specific ailments most cleared easily. But interesting the most important balancing was a "Brain Balancing program" from Little Farm's newsletter. This run as an automated program for several day make huge differences.

One of these Devas is willing to make introductions for you. He will contact you soon. I get that you have screen type door on one of your farm buildings, Listen there.

I do suggest strong protection making contacts with-out introductions. But it's doable ask " Is there a Deva willing to communicate with me". Generally it's ill advised to allow informal communications with-out names and clear greetings.

I have a client in the edge of the woods where the elementals
could come to get bd remedies
Yes, but I find just writing their name works well. I have also found that Wood & Metal are both separate rather then just 'earth'. "Space" is also an elemental. Here they have wanted "dump trucks full of 500" which several of us have been energetically supplying every full moon or so. I don't know what all they are doing with but they are eager!

or can I broadcst them through thee woods???
l broadcast to a small fractal of this water shed it has a better "organism" energy then "ownership" boundaries. I know this is heresy but the Devas were/are emphatic that they are taking control!

Your broadcasting trees must be ready to open communications and perform more focused work.
Whaddaya think???
l think spray & do all the clear visualization you can. Connect with the divine in all ways, smile & do good work which you do. Happy conversing!

In Love & Light

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