The following Technique
is from and I have found item very useful.

In Love & Light


ISBN No.: 0 646 28969 1 ~
Copyright 1988 Chironic Enterprises Pty. Ltd.
A C.N. 007 354 X23 120-122 Merri Street.
Warrnambool, 3280 Victoria7 AUSTRALIA.
4th Printing 1996. 



In your mind picture your whole body immersed in a glowing bubble or shower
of radiant white light. See it streaming from a pure source way above your
head, or from deep within you. Spend a little time with this and make sure
you have a good picture; even try to feel the light wash all through and
around you from toe to head. The effect of this exercise is to set up the
initial connection with your subconscious Intelligence.

White light is the purest thought that any person may hold and it has a most
soothing effect on disturbed emotions. By calming and polarizing some of the
less distorted body energies the white light visualization allows your
subconscious energies a much freer flow so you and your patient will have
maximum healing benefit.

An added bonus of the white light is that in surrounding your body it acts
as a buffer to some of the "outer" energy vibrations which can cause etheric
damage, hence the title of this step,     PROTECTION.
We would encourage you to practice this step thoroughly as many times as you
can, whether on your own or with friends or patients. Work with the light
until you have a very strong concept and mental picture for it is only
through white light that true healing may occur. Consider that the
fundamental basis of all physical creation is a matrix of light and you will
begin to see the importance of keeping your body bathed in harmonious white

The theory of relativity opened up mankind's perception of the Universe in
terms of light energy but, unfortunately, our scientists have begun to
meddle with the symmetry of Earth's created matrix and have distorted the
very etheric energy in which we live. By the proper use of conscious thought
energy and the calming effect of white light we as healers can take the
responsibility of restoring natural harmonies in ourselves and the people
around us thus aiding the World as a whole.


The "outer" energies referred to in the previous step can fall into the
categories of microwaves, nuclear radiation's, emissions from high voltage
power lines, x-rays, etc. The protection step serves as a very effective
shield against harmful effects of these pollutants. There is, however, a
different class of energy rarely discussed, yet, very influential on the
overall health of every person,     NEGATIVE ENERGY. We speak here not of
positive and negative energy as exists in the various systems of the body
but instead of a type of energy which is negative to the health of any one

To clarify this concept it helps to remember the basic Universal law,
"ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT!" (ie: For anything to be done it must first be
thought of;- either consciously or subconsciously.) Now, consider throughout
the whole of human history how many people have thought! Also ponder the
number of people who have been in similar situations and in a blaze of
emotion have thought the same thought such as, "I'll kill myself!", and
other such depressing notions. It is these dreary and fanatical ideas which
have been repeated countlessly, thus giving them a huge amount of energy
which can be so detrimental to human health.

Uncontrolled thoughts and emotions have spilled away from individuals over
the ages and have pooled together in black clouds of energy all around the

By another Universal law, "LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!", amounts of this energy
attach themselves regularly to all those people who at any given time allow
themselves to entertain a similar dreary thought, (ie: You and me and ninety
nine percent of the rest of the World).

Once some of that black, emotional thought energy intersperses amongst an
individual's body field then, of course, subconscious life energies are
greatly inhibited and that person may experience any number of "unexplained"
emotions and "mysterious" pains and illnesses.

That is the problem we experience but the solution as described by this step

As a healer of others you must be sure that first your own energies are
cleared of black interference. To completely cleanse yourself after
protecting simply use another visualization. Focus on the source of your
white light protection. Picture it as a huge burning sun of pure white
light. See a wave of light sweep upwards from your feet right up over your
head carrying any bits of blackness into the burning sun . Practice this
well making sure to see the blackness engulfed by the light completely, and
to picture yourself cleared and free of restriction.

Having prepared yourself you are now ready to clear the planet and this is
done simply by altering the visualization. Picture the planet in your mind
and see it bathed in our own source of pure white light.

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