(Forwarded by Barbara Gaines)

Subject:  Fascism Watch

>  > Date: 11/9/2002 1:36:01 PM
> > Subject: Fw:  Green and Grounded
> >
> > CounterPunch, October 1-15, 2002, Vol. 9 No. 17
> > "Green and Grounded" By DOUG STUBER
> >
> > "Two or three times a week we see stories on the web about people
> > detained from flying because they show up at the check in computers, or
> > because they're Men of Profile (MOPs), i.e. of non-white ethnic origin.
> > Doug Stuber was state chairman of the North Carolina Green Party and
> > more recently its campaign coordinator.
> > Here's his story.
> >
> > I was trying to make an important trip to Prague to gather artists for
> > Henry James Art in Raleigh, NC, USA when I was told (ticket in hand)
> > that I was not allowed to fly out that day.  I asked "why not" and the
> > answer at Raleigh-Durham Airport (RDU) was that because of the DC sniper
> > attacks, no Greens were allowed to fly overseas on that day.  Naturally,
> > I went back the next morning, and instead of paying $670 round trip was
> > forced into a $2,600 "same day" air fare.  I was mad enough about the
> > money, but what happened in the next 24 hours was mind-boggling.
> >
> > So, it was 6 am and my first flight wasn't due out until 11:45, so I had
> > plenty of time to kill. At exactly 10:52 am, just before boarding was to
> > begin, I was approached by Officer Stanley (the same policeman who
> > ushered me out of the airport the day before), and he said he "wanted to
> > talk to me".  I went with him, but reminded him that no one had said I
> > could not fly, and that my flight was about to leave.  (I also knew that
> > I could make the Air France connection in Atlanta and still make it to
> > Prague in time, as long as I could catch a Delta flight at 1:10pm, so I
> > wasn't too worried yet.)
> >
> > The officer took me into a room and questioned me for one hour.  By noon
> > Stanley was introducing me to two gentlemen I will refer to as Secret
> > Service-A and Secret Service-B ( SS-A and SS-B).  Here is where the
> > story proves the US is heading toward a "totalitarian" state. SSA and
> > SS-B took full eye-open pictures with a digital camera.  They then asked
> > me all the details about my family, where I lived, who I ever knew, what
> > the Greens are up to, etc.
> >
> > At one point I asked if they really believed the Greens were equal to Al
> > Qaeda.  Here they made an error.  They showed me a document from the
> > Justice department that actually does show the Greens as likely
> > terrorists.  Just as likely as Al Qaeda members.  Man, I wish I had had
> > a camera to be able to copy that document!  Sure enough we got out of
> > there at about 12:45, but with enough time to catch the later flight.
> >
> > Here is where they really made me mad.  They walked me to the Delta
> > counter and asked that I be given tickets for the flight so I could make
> > my connections.  The woman (she is a tall blonde with short hair and
> > works for Delta at RDU) quickly printed out tickets so that I could make
> > the flight, and I was relieved that the SS hadn't stopped me from
> >
> > I was wrong again.  By the time I was about to be quickly placed on the
> > flight, officer Stanley once again ushered me out the door.  To be fair,
> > he told me this:  "Just go to Greensboro, where they don't know you, and
> > be totally quiet about politics, and you can make it to Europe that
> > way."  I felt like I was being yet again set up by this man, but I went
> > to Greensboro anyway.  In Greensboro, NC I was told flat out that I
> > could not fly overseas or domestically.  I was told this after I showed
> > my passport, so apparently the SS had moved quickly to shut me down from
> > any kind of air travel.  (One wonders whether Greens throughout the US
> > are now barred from flying, since our national Co-Chair, Nancy Oden had
> > already been denied a flight form Maine to Chicago eight months ago.)
> >
> > Not to be denied, I then traveled to Charlotte.  This is another hour
> > and a half away, so I've been up for 40 hours, with a 1.5 hour drive
> > ahead.  I stocked up on Dr. Pepper and decided I would not be denied. Of
> > course, at Charlotte the same thing:  "Get this terrorist out of here"
> > was the mode the cops were in.
> >
> > I then drove three hours home (43 hours trying to catch a flight) and
> > crashed hard in bed.  It appears that Greens, who have ten key values
> > that include nonviolence, social justice, etc., are considered
> > terrorists by the Ashcroft-led Justice Department.  I had always
> > speculated that capitalism had gone too far.  Now I know for sure. CP"
> >
> > --
> > George DeCarlo (908) 322-4319
> >
> > New

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