Well list, Allan asked me to post some of the translation of Erbe's work. I
declined since I still haven't heard from Schaumberg and I know some of you
Yanks call up a lawyer more than you call your Mum.... but hey, it's
Christmas. This is what will be published directly concerning the three
kings preparation

With thanks to Paul Carline for his work on the text.

8.   The Three Kings Preparation - as a protection against the activities of
opposing forces.  

    The Three Kings from the East, as initiates of mystery wisdom, brought
as gifts to the Jesus child in Bethlehem Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.

    According to Rudolf Steiner,
- gold was a symbol of exoteric wisdom-filled power
- frankincense was the symbol of the World Ether, which weaves around us on
all sides with a 'gesture' or intention of sacrifice, and in which the
Spirit is living 
- myrrh was the symbol of the victory of life over death.
        On another occasion, Rudolf Steiner described the gifts of the Three
Kings in a different way.  Gold was the symbol for the wisdom of the past
and frankincense the symbol of the transience of the present, which weaves
as an offering of sacrifice in the constant coming into being and
disappearing which takes place in the present moment, suspended as it were
between past and future.  From this point of view, myrrh can be seen as the
symbol or sign of those forces pointing into the future.
        These three substances were seen by the initiates of all ages as
symbols for the awareness of the spiritual activity which goes on behind the
sense-perceptible physical appearances.
        In the Three Kings Preparation, these three sacred substances,
suitably prepared, served also as sacrificial gifts and as symbols for the
recognition of the working of spiritual beings in the earthly sphere. This
offering is at the same time an invocation to the Holy Trinity, which has
the result that those elemental beings which have become malevolent feel
rejected and, withdrawing, lose their power.
    When we use the Three Kings Preparation, we are asking for the help of
the spiritual world in overcoming threatening and harmful forces.  We create
a 'magic circle', which is recognized as such by the malevolent beings,
which become aware that their malicious striving has been seen and
identified.  This forces them to withdraw before the power of the magic
        In the practical work of the farm we have repeatedly seen quite
clearly how such malevolent elementals as Frost or Winter Giants are brought
to a halt at the edge of the magic circle which has been marked out by the
spraying of the Three Kings Preparation.
        In the context of human evolution, the time when it was spiritually
appropriate to make burnt offerings must be held to belong to the past.
Appropriate for our present time, and therefore effective, are offerings
made with water.  This is the reason why a water-based form for the
sacrificial substances belonging to the Three Kings Preparation had to be

This corresponds to the transition from a human existence 'under the Law' to
one able to partake of grace, expressed also in the transition from the
Œburnt offering' to the offering of bread and wine.  The use of such a
preparation as the Three Kings Preparation emerges out of spiritual
necessity; it presupposes that the one undertaking the preparation is fully
conscious of the weight of the great responsibility which they bear.

8.  The Three Kings Preparation

Take 30g each of:
aurum metallicum D2 (Weleda)
frankincense (olibanum)
gummi resina Myrrha (see note below)

[Note re; Resin of Myrrh

This is the resin of the myrrh tree (Balsamodendron myrrha), a member of the
Bursacea, which grows to a height of c.3 metres and is found in North Africa
and especially in Somalia. The bitter-tasting, aromatic resin oozes by
itself from the bark and hardens to yellowish, reddish or brownish granules
(Myrrha comes form Old Semitic Œmurr¹ = bitter). One can obtain Gummi resina
Myrrha from the chemist.]

    These three substances are finely ground together in a porcelain mortar
for an hour and then mixed well with 50g each of rainwater and glycerine
derived from organic fats (obtainable from Weleda) to produce an emulsion.
This is the stock.
    The prep can be used immediately or kept for future use. Kept properly ­
in an airtight container in a dark, cool and dry place ­ the prep will
retain its potency for years.


Mix 5cc of the prep with about 8L of Œhand-warm¹ water or pond water which
has been warmed by the sun. The mixture is placed in a non-metal container ­
preferably wooden ­ and stirred well for an hour, alternating the direction
of stirring to produce a vigorous turbulence, as is indicated for the 500
and 501 preps. 
    During the stirring, the one who is stirring should hold in their
consciousness the intended effect of the prep.
    The prep should be sprayed immediately after stirring is complete ­
during the etheric-cosmic inhalation period in the late afternoon of Three
Kings¹ Day (6th January). In order to create the Œmagic circle¹, the person
carrying out the spraying follows the boundary of the property, pausing
every 5 metres or so to spray outwards in the direction of the neighbouring
land (a small hand-brush is useful here). For each kilometre of boundary,
about 2 litres of prep are required.


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