Given that domestic espionage is in the vogue,

Given that everywhere I go I run into avid readers of BD Now! who never post to BD Now! because they do not want a permanent GOOGLE searchable record of their spiritual and agricultural insights

Given that yours truly was recently refused entrance into a public building because a web search revealed that my 'world view does not coincide with ours.'

And given that so very many people read the archives but never contribute to the list. (Last time I logged it, the colo archive was getting 2000+ hits per week)

It seems to me that it would be best to move into a more 'member oriented' archive instead of a public archive.

The major purpose of this list is to speak openly and to share our experiences in some fairly unusual realms.

I think everyone is feeling this shyness. I think this holding back is hurting the list.

What say, folks?

-Allan Balliett
moderator, BD Now!

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