Please read this whole thing. There are some valueable suggestions contained.

What passes for political discussion on this list has its genesis in how we are lied to about our food supply in the US and how that affects the world. Recent events have broadened this discussion, but, as long as we have people who maintain that, for example, pasteurized and homogonized milk are good for you, an effort must be made to help people become aware or remain aware that governments are not working for the good of the people they govern. Awareness of the world as it is and not as we've been enculturated is an important aspect of the awareness necessary for being a good biodynamic farmer.

Jane - Isn't there a possibility of opening more discussion on Global News itself? It's the spiritual perspective of political discussion that BD Now! is unique in providing. It w.b. great for me if that could be maintained and discussion occur on Global News instead of BD Now!

Secondary to this, however, are the low level of biodynamic posts made by people who want to complain about what other people want to talk about. If you have nothing informational to contribute, how about starting topics or asking questions? Better than making on-topic noise for the sake of noise, howabout posting a review of a biodynamic book or howabout posting some segments from a biodynamic publication? In that fashion you can increase the signal-to-noise ratio yourself and not feel so at affect of what people are concerned with how global fascism may affect their ability to farm in the near future.

I'm serious: get out the scanner and send up a page or two of bd stuff you find of interest or would like to discuss. Copyright law offers a fair amount of leniency for educational use of printed materials, so you don't have an excuse.

Drown us in content and keep the archives interesting for the next guy.


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