> And Now for the Weather, Aboriginal Style
> Mon March 17, 2003 09:52 AM ET
> By Michael Perry
> SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters) - When the bearded dragon
> lizard sits upright and points its head to the sky, it is going to
> rain the next day. If a flock of currawongs flies overhead, you
> have four hours to get the washing off the line.
Hi Steve and All
 I would take this stuff with a grain or two of salt - the lizard sits like
that to warm himself - its his favourite posture - sitting on a sloping
rock - as for the currawongs if you dont get the washing in pronto when you
see these guys they will be back soon to poop all over it and steal the
clothespegs! It might rain and it might not.
The northern aboriginal stuff is nothing more or less than you would get
from interviewing any stockman or knockabout bushie with some life
experience in the territory - I guess I am always amused when educated dudes
go out and "discover" things that most locals take as common knowledge, (and
anything of aboriginal culture has a nice money tag on it these days)
We all watch the ants - these little guys know a thing or two.
Lloyd Charles

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